Chart to image API

Image charts API

Use the ChartJuice image charts API to easily generate an image of your chart with custom data so that you can use your charts in email, Slack, and more.

Generate an image of your chart with custom data

Design your chart in ChartJuice's no-code chart maker, then use the image API to generate an image of your chart with custom data. This is the perfect tool for sending charts in automated emails, Slack messages, dynamically generated PDFs, or any other format where you can't run live chart code.

With the image API this:

<img src='[["Aug 2",120],["Aug 3",200],["Aug 4",150],["Aug 5",100],["Aug 6",70],["Aug 7",110],["Aug 8",130]]&chart=589059a1-9df7-4696-bfb6-a8c643889274' />

Turns into this:


The image API provides several simple parameters you can use to customize your chart image.

data : The data you want to include in your chart image. Enclose each individual data pair in brackets like ["Aug 2",120] then separate the pairs with commas and enclose the entire lists in an additional set of brackets.

  • Example: [["Aug 2",120],["Aug 3",200],["Aug 4",150],["Aug 5",100],["Aug 6",70],["Aug 7",110],["Aug 8",130]]

chart : The id of your ChartJuice chart. Get this from the URL of the web app or by clicking the embed button.

type : The file type for your image chart response in lowercase. Supported file types include: png, svg, jpeg, tiff, webp, gif. Defaults to png if no type is included.

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